Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Street Party ※ Outfits
In a skatepark - the ring of fire show
So most of this weekend I went to Distortion which is one of the biggest street parties in Denmark. It was my first time attending and it a lot of fun! The streets were so crowded with people partying and loud music played from every other side street. It lasted from Wednesday evening to Sunday morning basically, but I'm not that hardcore so I only attended Wedensday and Friday haha! It would start around 4-5ish in the afternoon with the street parties, and afterwards there would be after parties at certain clubs around 10-11 pm when the music on the streets had to be turned off. 
Well I think it was mostly fun in the afternoon since that's what I thought was special - otherwise I could just go clubbing at night.
My friends in Pikachu kigurumi


Soo.. some outfits from the past days.. I didn't get to take a picture on the original days, so that's why I have the same hair in all the pics lol..
I love how heels make your legs look sooo long
 With the above outfit I originally added my long curly extensions and my straw hat (∩_∩)v
I LOVE these leggings! Soo shinee~ (in both ways :P) haha!
 And with this - long extensions + cap to finish off the badass look σ(゚ー^*)
 It was sooo hot that day so I tried to wear something light and comfy (;≧∇≦) =3
And this is my fav summer up-do! High back-combed ponytail σ(^○^) It's super easy to make and looks refreshing. Add a bow or flower ! And sorry for the bangs, it looks kinda random I know, but I had to get rid of them in some way so i just squished them up to the side kinda.. pretty messy sorry!

Did you notice the new header? I'm not really satisfied with it but I got tired of the old one. I have to work on layout some other time.. Maybe I should ask Jeongie for help with her mad gio goi layout skillz! {*≧∀≦}

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned! (○゚ε^○)


  1. I love the new header, really cute!

  2. AWW the new header is soo cuute!! ^___~ Keeeep it! But my gio goi skillz are of course always at your service kekekeke x'D

    Those leggings are sooooo shineeeeeee!!!!! O____O WAH SO PRETTY!
    But where's the outfit from Monday night? Huh huh uhuhu? >_> xD

    Skal vi snart ud/ind og sove i teeeeeelt? XD<3

  3. I love all your outfitss :3 looks really cute on you, especially the first one! :D
